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Hashtag Jakarta EE #66

ivargrimstad profile image Ivar Grimstad Originally published at on ・2 min read

Welcome to the sixty-sixth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Jakarta EE 9.1 is on track for the mid-May release. GlassFish 6.1 now passes the TCK and a release candidate will be made available this week.

Meanwhile, the work with planning for the next Jakarta EE release goes on. We are getting very close to be proposing a new profile in addition to the current Full Platform and Web Profile. This profile will most likely be called Jakarta EE Core Profile and be specifically targeted at smaller runtimes for microservices and capable of producing minimal cloud-native images.

For the other component specifications, please do remember to submit a request for plan review by April 15. This will make it possible for the platform team to get an overview, and plan for the content of the next release. We will also shortly invite all specification projects to participate in a community meeting. Stay tuned and look out for the invite that will be socialized on all appropriate channels when we have nailed down the details.

I will encourage specification projects to open calls to help drive their work forward. Since we currently don’t meet in the hallways at events and conferences, these meetings are an important way of having discussions in realtime. Makes life on the mailing lists so much easier afterward…

We have created the Specifications Calendar specifically for this purpose. All the project leads of Jakarta EE specification projects have been given permissions to add events to the calendar.

As an inspiration for topics, please check out Arjan’s excellent article Java for the enterprise: What to expect in Jakarta EE 10 in the Java Magazine.

I also want to point you to the newly released Jakarta EE white paper and my accompanying article Why Java Developers Continue to Rely on Jakarta EE.

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